Saturday, July 10, 2010

viva españaaaa

(Let us just preface this entry by stating that we realize we sort of suck at the whole blogging consistently thing. I don't know how people do it on the daily, especially when traveling and trying to jam an activity into every ounce of the day. Major props to those who can. Anyway, our week-long recap below...)

When last we blogged, there were still four teams in the running for the Cup, two who had won before (Uruguay and Germany) and two who had never won (Spain and the Netherlands). We desperately wanted a new champion and therefore very optimistically predicted a Spain-Netherlands final and couldn't be more delighted with this match-up. Whatever the outcome, the 2010 FIFA World Cup will yield a new champion and that means we will witness the rewriting of futbol history tomorrow. (Hopefully, it's written in Furia Roja ink and not Orange...)

Tuesday's semi-final match in the gorgeous, seaside Cape Town Stadium was a more rare display of high-scoring soccer ping-pong. The Netherlands was favored to beat Uruguay, but the 3-2 result definitely kept it interesting well into the final moments. To see Diego Forlan score a perfect goal and carry his team within inches of the final match was something else. He's rapidly become one of our favorite players to watch, which made Uruguay's loss to Germany this evening in the consolation match--another 3-2 nail-biter--even tougher to swallow. All in all, Uruguay (one of the smallest countries represented in the Cup) had a fantastic tournament and their striker Luis Suarez will undoubtedly be remembered for his controversial hand ball against Ghana in the quarter-final round--the play that could single-handedly (yes, pun intended. Pun always intended...) change the rules of soccer in Cups to come.

Wednesday's semi-final match in Durban pitted Spain against Germany in one of the most phenomenally paced and controlled games we’ve seen. As Albas, we were fully behind Spain but admit that we were also very scared of the Germans that could not be underestimated after what they had done to Argentina. Luckily, we had Paul the psychic octopus on our side (which Loreli attributes as one of the main reasons Spain actually won...In Paul we trust...). Spain impressed with their consistent possession and impenetrable defense. Carlos Puyol’s late header goal sealed the deal and thanks to Iker Casillas’ unbelievable goal-keeping, the Germans couldn’t convert, sending Spain to the Cup final for the first time ever.(The Dutch have been in the twice before, but have never won)

We often wonder how the players must be feeling when we can't even sleep the night before a big match. I’m sure tonight will be no different. The World Cup final is the most-watched sporting event on the planet. If you’re not watching it, your neighbor definitely is, since 1 of every 2 humans will be watching tomorrow with baited breath until that final whistle is blown. But as excited as we are, the final--though glorious and ultimately the point of all of this month-long madness--also means that this is it. It’s over. For now. Which also means, it’s back to the countdown...four more years until you can expect to hear from us from one of the most futbol-obsessed countries in the world: Brasil. Tomorrow will be one of the most bittersweet days in our young lives. If Spain wins, the scale will definitely be tipped sweet-wise. If not, then we have even more to look forward to next time around. Either way, we will look back at this Cup as one of the best with the host country very prominently at the helm of its success.

South Africa is indescribably beautiful. You really have to come here to see and experience the wonder this emerging country holds. For us, just thinking about how far this nation has come in the last twenty years and learning about Nelson Mandela’s extraordinary leadership and courage has already left more indelible marks than any soccer game ever could.

(Below are some pictures of the sights of Cape Town, including Table Mountain, the wineries in Stellenbosch and the Cape of Good Hope)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

the whirlwind cup, more like

Greetings from chilly Johannesburg, South Africa! Firstly, let us just say: wow. What a Cup this has been. Anyone that knows us can tell you how fanatical we are about this one month of pure futbol glory that only comes around every four years. And every time the matches come around, we wonder and dream about how this year's tournament will top its predecessor--and it never disappoints. Never fails to bring the drama, the controversy and the miracle moments we all crave from an international sporting event like the World Cup.

As two of the certifiably luckiest humans on earth, Loreli and I have now attended a combined four Cups to date. And after just a few days in South Africa, we are already quite enamored with the beauty and hospitality of this country. What a great tournament so far for Africa's hosting debut. We wanted to write sooner but the last 48 hours have been consumed by quarter-final madness and this has been the first opportunity to debrief and, let's be honest, cry a little bit. As hardcore Mexico and USA fans, we felt the sting (yet again) of having our beloved teams eliminated in two of the most heart-wrenchingly cruel round of 16 games we've seen this year (or ever). To think that the Uruguay-Ghana match that we saw on Friday night could have been're right, let's not go there. There is a sad, sad place. Regardless, the Uruguay-Ghana match was unbelievable. The entire stadium--scratch that--the entire continent was behind Ghana and the Albas have never been prouder bandwagoners. (I know, I know...Ghana defeated USA, why would we wish for their success, right? Well, Uruguay defeated Mexico, positioning them against Argentina and we all know how that ended so...) We really were hoping Ghana could represent Africa in the final four and that sentiment grew stronger with every passing minute in which the Black Stars really seemed to have the semi-final in their grasp.

We'd never seen a game that had a penalty kick as the very last play of the game--not to mention, the very last play of extra time. The play that very well could have been the very last play of the match had Ghana's Asamoah Gyan's shot not hit the crossbar. Instead, the match went into nail-biting penalty kicks in which Uruguay won 4-2. A serious heartbreaker for Africa but certainly one of the most exhilarating games we've ever seen.It was truly a day of upsets, with the Netherlands knocking out powerhouse Brazil just a few hours earlier. In reality, everything you'd expect and desire from quarter-final madness and then some.

Of course, Paraguay-Spain was no exception. Can you say...Heart. Attack. As huge Barca fans and originally of Spanish descent, the Albas were rooting para España hasta la muerte. La Furia Roja was really our last hope considering our other top picks were out. It was a phenomenal match.

Spain controlled the ball so well that we were surprised they couldn't put one in the back of the net sooner. And then, insanity ensued...two penalties! But wait, two saved penalties! (After an unfairly annulled goal by the Spaniards, in our humble opinions) And then, because every quarter-final needs a soap opera ending, the goalpost gets in the way of multiple Spanish finishes before David Villa propels Spain into the semi-final with his goal that--yes, you guessed it--luckily caught the good side of the post to put Spain up in the 83rd minute. It was the first (and last) quarter-final that truly went our way...smiles all around...

We cannot wait to see Spain face Germany in the semis, though it must be stated that after Germany's insane victory (what we call a "paliza" in Spanish) over Argentina, we are indeed Scared for Spain (with a capital S). Also looking forward to Netherlands versus Uruguay...we predict the Flying Dutchmen will reach the final, especially considering that Uruguay is down a few starters and the Dutch have never won the Cup. Our dream scenario would be a Netherlands-Spain final. Here's to hoping. Oh, and also...what he said :)

Tomorrow, we head to Cape Town. Until then, goodnight and a very happy 4th to all as the night winds down here in Joburg!